Crown Point Lookout
Arapaho & Roosevelt National Forest
Elevation: ~11,400
Status: Removed
Structure type: Trailer with cupola
Year Built: ~1963
Year Removed: ~1968
According to Bob Hammond, assistant ranger on the Poudre District from 1965 to 1972, there was a temporary lookout on Crown Point, just north of Rocky Mountain National Park from about 1963 to 1966. (Bob came in 1965 and said it had been there a couple of years.) It was a house trailer on wheels with an 8'x8' cupola that popped up from the trailer, firefinder and all. It was established due to the extensive timber harvesting going on in the area. The last year it was used was 1966 and it was probably taken down in 1967 or 1968. In its first two years, it was staffed by a college student, Jim Nelson, who worked on timber sales in the mornings and on the lookout in the afternoons. The last two years, Bob hired a young Oklahoma couple to staff the lookout, one working five days, and the other two so they could cover the whole week. During the time the lookout was in use, one fire was spotted that was also reported by Deadman LO. Bill Ripley was the district ranger at that time.
Visit the Former Fire Lookout Site Register entry for the Crown Point.