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Hardinger Firetree ("Beeftree")

Ashley National Forest

Elevation: ~7850

Status: Exists (as of 2009)

Year Built: Unknown

Structure Type: 90 ft. tall tree, ~54 inches in diameter, with wood
ladder 37 ft. up SE side, and platform at 51 ft.

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Also known as "Beeftree," Hardinger Tree is located at the edge of a Ponderosa forest at the treeline where the forest meets a large meadowed area. It is a large Ponderosa pine tree that was also used to string up beef for butchering by local ranchers. [This information is from a September 6, 1984 IMACS (Intermountain Antiquities Computer System) site form (BLM).]

The following is from a 1970 Multiple Use Plan for the Altonah Ranger District:

"Description: Prior to modern fire discovery techniques, numerous tall and strategically located trees throughout the District were used as observation points to locate going fires. The largest and best known of these trees is located on the east edge of the old Hardinger homestead in Section 32, T. 2N., R.3W., USM. Access to the top of the tree was by a wooden ladder, which still remains on the tree's southeast side. The observer has a wooden platform to sit on during observation. This tree has become popular with local residents as being 'the largest pine tree in the country.' It measures 53.3 inches DBH and 88 feet high, and is undoubtedly the largest pine tree on the District. A ladder is built up 37 feet and a platform is constructed at approximately 51 feet. The tree is important historically."

Visit the Former Fire Lookout Site Register entry for the Hardinger Fire Tree.