Membership Registration Form

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For those who prefer to pay by check or avoid electronic payments, download the registration form below and follow instructions within the document.

Membership Registration Form
All funds raised through memberships and donations will be used to fulfill the mission of the FFLA. The FFLA is dedicated to to the preservation of wildland fire lookouts and their legacy through research, education, and support of lookout restoration, staffing for fire detection or historical interpretation, and other alternative uses. The FFLA is a tax-deductible corporation recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code and as an organization described in 501(c)(3). All memberships and donations are tax deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. We do not share your membership information to outside parties without contacting you first.
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Membership Status
Membership Registration
All FFLA members will receive quarterly copies of LOOKOUT NETWORK, the magazine of the Forest Fire Lookout Association. LOOKOUT NETWORK is the central information source for Fire Lookout topics worldwide. In addition, Plus members receive quarterly issues of NATIONAL WOODLANDS, a forestry magazine that includes a one-page update on the National Historic Lookout Register (NHLR) in each issue.
See Chapter List in “About Us/FFLA Structure”. Otherwise you will be assigned to the closest chapter corresponding to your address.
Please tell us where your lookout experience was or what your lookout interests are.