Return to California Lookouts (Alphabetical List)
Lookout Structures and Sites | ||||||
County | Name | Lat | Long | Type | Status | NHLR/FFLOS |
Alameda | Crane Ridge | 37.60640 | -121.62107 | 2-StoryCab | Gone | FFLOS US 2067, CA 163 |
Alameda | Grizzly Peak | 37.88204 | -122.23371 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1888, CA 83 |
Alpine | Leviathan Peak | 38.68352 | -119.61186 | 2-StoryCab | Standing | NHLR US 282, CA 16 |
Alpine | Markleeville | 38.68906 | -119.71788 | Ground | Gone | FFLOS US 1889, CA 84 |
Alpine | Reba, Mount | 38.50907 | -120.01652 | Trailer | Gone | FFLOS US 1882, CA 77 |
Amador | Zion, Mount | 38.38995 | -120.65231 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1306, CA 129 |
Butte | Bald Mountain | 39.95254 | -121.48237 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1307, CA 130 |
Butte | Bear Ranch Hill | 39.84686 | -121.37002 | Tower | Gone | |
Butte | Big Bar Mountain | 39.77729 | -121.42789 | Tower | Standing* | FFLOS US 1886, CA 81 |
Butte | Bloomer Hill | 39.65177 | -121.46276 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1308, CA 131 |
Butte | Brush Creek | 39.69045 | -121.34651 | Tree | Abandoned | |
Butte | Bull Hill | 40.05943 | -121.52282 | Tree | Abandoned | |
Butte | Lone Pine | 39.86696 | -121.68021 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 2054, CA 160 |
Butte | Platte Mountain | 39.93589 | -121.64747 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1309, CA 132 |
Butte | Sawmill Peak | 39.81195 | -121.55872 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1310, CA 133 |
Butte | Sunset Hill | 39.52398 | -121.30009 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 579, CA 59 |
Butte | Swain Hill | 39.61650 | -121.24076 | Tower | Gone | |
Calaveras | Blue Mountain | 38.34201 | -120.36487 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1185, CA 116 |
Calaveras | Devils Nose | 38.46280 | -120.42042 | Ground | Gone | |
Calaveras | Folsom | 38.43670 | -120.35445 | Encl. Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1880, CA 75 |
Calaveras | Fowler | 38.01938 | -120.58410 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1311, CA 134 |
Calaveras | Sierra Vista | 38.22985 | -120.61433 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1312, CA 135 |
Calaveras | Valley Springs Peak | 38.20586 | -120.83815 | 2-StoryCab | Gone | |
Colusa/ Lake | Goat Mountain | 39.26021 | -122.71516 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1901, CA 96 |
Colusa/ Lake | Pacific Point | 39.21389 | -122.59731 | Ground | Gone | |
Colusa | Snow Mountain | Undetermined | Unknown | Gone | ||
Colusa | Three Sisters | 39.12173 | -122.33325 | Ground | Gone | |
Contra Costa | Diablo, Mount | 37.88177 | -121.91426 | Stone | Standing | NHLR US 1305, CA 128 |
Contra Costa | Round Top | 37.84999 | -122.19281 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 2066, CA 162 |
Del Norte | Baldy Peak | 41.67339 | -123.72007 | Ground | Gone | |
Del Norte | Bear Basin Butte | 41.80919 | -123.74124 | Tower | Relocated | NHLR US 288, CA 21 |
Del Norte | Buck Mountain | 41.63320 | -123.86736 | Tower | Gone | |
Del Norte | Camp Six | 41.83058 | -123.87679 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1890, CA 85 |
Del Norte | High Dome | 41.94506 | -123.85179 | Camp | Gone | |
Del Norte | High Plateau Mountain (Long Ridge) | 41.91701 | -123.92618 | Tower | Gone | |
Del Norte | Low Divide (Stone Corral) | 41.92771 | -124.01854 | Tower | Gone | |
Del Norte | Monkey Creek Ridge | 41.92869 | -123.78251 | Tower | Gone | |
Del Norte | Rattlesnake | 41.70259 | -123.97472 | Tower | Gone | |
Del Norte | Red Mountain | 41.52423 | -123.90804 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1385, CA 208 |
Del Norte | Sanger Peak | 41.92026 | -123.65583 | Ground | Gone | |
Del Norte | Ship Mountain | 41.72813 | -123.79548 | 2-StoryCab | Standing | NHLR US 1313, CA 136 |
Del Norte | Ship Mountain (old) | 41.73560 | -123.79298 | Ground | Gone | |
Del Norte | Summit Valley | 41.60222 | -123.81721 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1891, CA 86 |
Del Norte | Upper Coon Mountain | 41.81861 | -123.86333 | Encl. Tower | Gone | |
El Dorado | Alder Ridge | 38.74434 | -120.34069 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 592, CA 63 |
El Dorado | Angora | 38.88230 | -120.05465 | Ground | Standing | NHLR US 518, CA 56 |
El Dorado | Armstrong Hill | 38.54233 | -120.38430 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1041, CA 99 |
El Dorado | Bald Mountain | 38.90386 | -120.70497 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 597, CA 68 |
El Dorado | Baltic Peak | 38.69414 | -120.51553 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1868, CA 63 NHLR US 514, CA 52 |
El Dorado | Bayview | Undetermined | Unknown | Gone | ||
El Dorado | Big Hill | 38.84251 | -120.40777 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 598, CA 69 |
El Dorado | Danaher, Mount | 38.74429 | -120.66779 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 399, CA 50 |
El Dorado | Devils Peak | 39.28207 | -120.44039 | Platform | Gone | |
El Dorado | Iron Mountain | 38.70484 | -120.36181 | Ground | Gone | FFLOS US 1892, CA 87 |
El Dorado | Jakeys Hill | 38.97353 | -120.79646 | Tower | Gone | |
El Dorado | Leek Spring Hill | 38.62921 | -120.27777 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1058, CA 103 |
El Dorado | Lookout Mountain | 38.88348 | -120.56112 | Tower | Gone | |
El Dorado | Peavine Ridge | Undetermined | Tower | Gone | ||
El Dorado | Pilot Hill | 38.81814 | -121.02984 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1065, CA 106 |
El Dorado | Pine Hill | 38.71935 | -120.99046 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1283, CA 125 |
El Dorado | Plummer Ridge | 38.62991 | -120.38012 | Tree | Abandoned | |
El Dorado | Robbs Peak | 38.92488 | -120.40357 | 2-StoryCab | Standing | NHLR US 599, CA 70 |
El Dorado | Slate Mountain | 38.82346 | -120.68422 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1893, CA 88 |
Fresno | Bald Mountain | 37.10389 | -119.20590 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 823, CA 88 |
Fresno | Bear Mountain | 36.74579 | -119.28266 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1386, CA 209 |
Fresno | Black Mountain | 37.01307 | -119.45225 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1314, CA 137 |
Fresno | Copper Peak (Owens Mountain) | 36.92997 | -119.64163 | Encl. Tower | Gone | |
Fresno | Delilah | 36.80418 | -119.11758 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 379, CA 40 |
Fresno | Fence Meadow | 36.96137 | -119.17543 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 302, CA 30 |
Fresno | Joaquin Murrieta (Black Mountain) | 36.30460 | -120.40321 | Ground | Gone | |
Fresno | Musick Mountain | 37.16994 | -119.30897 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1315, CA 138 |
Fresno/ Monterey | Smith Mountain | 36.07876 | -120.59591 | 2-StoryCab | Standing | NHLR US 884, CA 94 |
Fresno | Stag Dome | 36.82075 | -118.70135 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1894, CA 89 |
Fresno | Tom, Mount | 37.37615 | -119.17895 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 306, CA 34 |
Glenn | Bidwell Point (Elk Creek Butte) | 39.60090 | -122.53273 | Ground | Gone | |
Glenn | Black Butte | 39.72678 | -122.87244 | Ground | Gone | FFLOS US 1895, CA 90 |
Glenn | Black Diamond | 39.40980 | -122.62080 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1896, CA 91 |
Glenn | I-5 (Sacramento Wildlife Refuge) | 39.42979 | -122.18398 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1387, CA 210 |
Glenn | Long Point | 39.68863 | -122.70863 | Encl. Tower | Gone | |
Glenn | Red Mountain | 39.74256 | -122.60944 | Encl. Tower | Gone | |
Glenn | Valley View | 39.77138 | -122.68432 | Encl. Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1897, CA 92 |
Humboldt | Big Hill | 41.09767 | -123.63586 | 2-StoryCab | Standing | NHLR US 1316, CA 139 |
Humboldt | Blake Mountain | 40.61424 | -123.56070 | Ground | Gone | |
Humboldt | Board Camp Mountain | 40.69707 | -123.71813 | Tower | Gone | |
Humboldt | Brannan Mountain | 40.96802 | -123.68942 | Unknown | Gone | |
Humboldt | Brush Mountain | 40.91485 | -123.66890 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1206, CA 122 |
Humboldt | Grasshopper Mountain | 40.30662 | -123.97787 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 890, CA 96 |
Humboldt | Grouse Mountain | 40.75899 | -123.67253 | Tower | Gone | |
Humboldt | Iaqua Buttes | 40.66904 | -123.88273 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1317, CA 140 |
Humboldt | Lassic, Mount | 40.29640 | -123.55150 | Ground | Gone | |
Humboldt/ Siskiyou | Orleans Mountain | 41.27892 | -123.45342 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 458, CA 51 |
Humboldt | Pratt Mountain | 40.12010 | -123.69310 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1802, CA 40 |
Humboldt | Schoolhouse Peak | 41.15140 | -123.88302 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1318, CA 141 |
Humboldt | Shelton Butte | 41.23810 | -123.63271 | Encl. Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1899, CA 94 |
Humboldt | Sugar Pine Mountain | 41.03956 | -123.75324 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1900, CA 95 |
Humboldt | Trinity Summit | 41.07613 | -123.46376 | Unknown | Gone | |
Kern | Annette | 35.65129 | -120.16980 | 3-Story Cab | Standing* | NHLR US 1319, CA 142 |
Kern | Blue Mountain | 35.75994 | -118.75949 | Encl. Tower | Gone | |
Kern | Breckenridge Mountain | 35.45076 | -118.58363 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 378, CA 39 |
Kern | Cook Peak | 35.62170 | -118.43813 | Tower | Gone | |
Kern | Grapevine Peak | 34.90302 | -118.90448 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1855, CA 50 |
Kern | Jasmin | Undetermined | Unknown | Gone | ||
Kern | Lost Hills | Undetermined | Unknown | Gone | ||
Kern | Oak Flat | 35.53523 | -118.70708 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 307, CA 35 |
Kern | Piute | 35.47994 | -118.35937 | Ground | Gone | |
Kern | Sunday Peak | 35.78227 | -118.58512 | Tower | Gone | |
Kern | Tollgate | 35.23150 | -118.45026 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1599, CA 227 |
Kern | Wheeler Ridge | Undetermined | Alidade | Gone | ||
Kings | Cottonwood Pass | 35.85319 | -120.07628 | 2-StoryCab | Standing | NHLR US 1280, CA 124 |
Kings | Point Lacima | 36.00395 | -120.05710 | Unknown | Gone | |
Lake | Elk Mountain | 39.28225 | -122.93634 | Unknown | Gone | |
Lake | Garrett Mountain | 39.32133 | -123.01040 | Encl. Tower | Gone | |
Lake | High Glade | 39.20964 | -122.81100 | Tower | Gone | NHLR US 1123, CA 109 |
Lake/ Mendocino | Hull Mountain | 39.52204 | -122.93669 | Ground | Gone | FFLOS US 1908, CA 103 |
Lake | Konocti | 38.97458 | -122.76587 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1104, CA 107 |
Lake | Pine Mountain | 39.36700 | -123.02040 | Ground | Standing | NHLR US 773, CA 87 |
Lake | Pinnacle Rock | 39.14761 | -122.76501 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1902, CA 97 |
Lake | Potato Hill | 39.35255 | -122.80394 | Encl. Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1903, CA 98 |
Lake | Sheetiron Mountain | 39.49122 | -122.73408 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1904, CA 99 |
Lassen | Antelope Mountain | 40.59225 | -120.91049 | 2-StoryCab | Standing | NHLR US 182, CA 7 |
Lassen | Blacks Ridge | 40.84014 | -121.17599 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1388, CA 211 |
Lassen | Boyd Hill | 40.98554 | -121.05951 | Encl. Tower | Gone | |
Lassen | Don Landon (Greens Peak) | 40.50680 | -120.70519 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1389, CA 212 |
Lassen | Dow Butte | 40.74060 | -120.82708 | Encl. Tower | Gone | |
Lassen | Dyer Mountain | 40.23905 | -121.03275 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1376, CA 199 |
Lassen | Fredonyer Peak | 40.68768 | -120.59852 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1320, CA 143 |
Lassen | Harvey Mountain | 40.74071 | -121.03536 | Ground | Standing | NHLR US 517, CA 55 |
Lassen | Hayden Hill | 40.99793 | -120.87038 | Tower | Gone | |
Lassen | Ladder Butte | 40.81054 | -121.30682 | 2-StoryCab | Gone | |
Lassen | Lava Peak | 40.83032 | -120.89198 | Ground | Gone | FFLOS US 1906, CA 101 |
Lassen | Likely Mountain | 41.15528 | -120.56390 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1321, CA 144 |
Lassen | Observation Peak | 40.77421 | -120.17152 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1322, CA 145 |
Lassen | Pegleg Mountain | 40.40701 | -120.95240 | 2-StoryCab | Standing | NHLR US 1323, CA 146 |
Lassen | Seven Lakes Mountain | 39.92359 | -120.00516 | Ground | Standing | |
Lassen | Shaffer Mountain | 40.44651 | -120.35783 | Ground | Gone | |
Lassen | Snag Hill | 40.97030 | -121.01202 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1324, CA 147 |
Los Angeles | Blue Ridge | 34.35177 | -117.67626 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1778, CA 24 |
Los Angeles | Bodle Peak | 34.10846 | -118.84494 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1779, CA 25 |
Los Angeles | Castro Peak | 34.08571 | -118.78571 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1928, CA 108 |
Los Angeles | Charlie Peak | 34.51726 | -118.59245 | Tower | Gone | |
Los Angeles | Gleason, Mount | 34.37638 | -118.17760 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 557, CA 9 |
Los Angeles | Glendora | Undetermined | Unknown | Gone | ||
Los Angeles | Grass Mountain | 34.64106 | -118.41357 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1782, CA 28 |
Los Angeles | Islip, Mount | 34.34508 | -117.83980 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1784, CA 30 |
Los Angeles | Johnstone Peak (San Dimas) | 34.16011 | -117.79978 | Tower | Gone | |
Los Angeles | Josephine Peak | 34.28571 | -118.15385 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1783, CA 29 |
Los Angeles | Lookout Mountain | 34.24871 | -117.67515 | Encl. Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1781, CA 27 |
Los Angeles | Los Pinetos | 34.35477 | -118.45911 | Tower | Gone | |
Los Angeles | Lukens, Mount | 34.26913 | -118.23900 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1785, CA 31 |
Los Angeles | Mendenhall Peak | 34.34922 | -118.31280 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1793, CA 39 |
Los Angeles | Oat Mountain | 34.32973 | -118.60098 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1787, CA 33 |
Los Angeles | Pacoima Peak | 34.26355 | -118.40831 | Tower | Gone | |
Los Angeles | Parker Mountain | 34.45984 | -118.21884 | Encl. Tower | Gone | |
Los Angeles | Pine Mountain | 34.22334 | -117.90178 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1990, CA 118 |
Los Angeles | Reservoir Summit | 34.66207 | -118.72927 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1929, CA 109 |
Los Angeles | San Gabriel Peak | 34.24320 | -118.09854 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1852, CA 47 |
Los Angeles | San Jose | Undetermined | Tower | Gone | ||
Los Angeles | San Rafael | 34.18749 | -118.20800 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1220, CA 123 |
Los Angeles | San Vicente Mountain | 34.12864 | -118.51273 | Tower | Gone | |
Los Angeles | Sawmill Mountain | 34.69322 | -118.55983 | Tower | Gone | |
Los Angeles | Sierra Pelona | 34.56097 | -118.35600 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1788, CA 34 |
Los Angeles | Slide Mountain | 34.63287 | -118.77779 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1045, CA 100 |
Los Angeles | South Mount Hawkins | 34.31173 | -117.81035 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1770, CA 23 NHLR US 295, CA 28 |
Los Angeles | Sunset Peak | 34.21660 | -117.68937 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1729, CA 20 |
Los Angeles | Tejon Mountain | 34.80362 | -118.81555 | Ground | Ruins | FFLOS US 2010, CA 130 |
Los Angeles | Temple | 34.11297 | -118.00055 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1927, CA 107 |
Los Angeles | Topanga | 34.09205 | -118.63605 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1789, CA 35 |
Los Angeles | Verdugo Peak | 34.21520 | -118.28000 | Tower | Gone | |
Los Angeles | Vetter Mountain | 34.29704 | -118.02858 | Ground | Standing | NHLR US 294, CA 27 |
Los Angeles | Warm Springs Mountain | 34.59556 | -118.57980 | Tower | Standing* | FFLOS US 1790, CA 36 |
Los Angeles | West Liebre | 34.72609 | -118.70293 | Encl. Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1791, CA 37 |
Los Angeles | Whitaker Peak | 34.56755 | -118.74277 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1792, CA 38 |
Los Angeles | Zuma | Undetermined | Unknown | Gone | ||
Madera | Castle Peak (Oat Mountain) | 37.18499 | -119.44263 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1905, CA 100 |
Madera | Deadwood Peak | 37.31352 | -119.68597 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1396, CA 219 |
Madera | Goat Mountain | 37.27214 | -119.55007 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 303, CA 31 |
Madera | Red Top | 37.12821 | -119.77666 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1397, CA 220 |
Madera | Shuteye Peak | 37.34957 | -119.42824 | 2-StoryCab | Standing | NHLR US 1325, CA 148 |
Marin | Dickson (Mount Barnabe) | 38.02677 | -122.71637 | 3-Story Cab | Standing | NHLR US 643, CA 76 |
Marin | Gardner (Mount Tamalpais) | 37.92909 | -122.57782 | 2-StoryCab | Standing | NHLR US 1115, CA 108 |
Mariposa | Green Mountain | 37.26532 | -119.99114 | Ground | Standing | NHLR US 1326, CA 149 |
Mariposa | Guadalupe Peak | 37.44972 | -120.05698 | Unknown | Gone | |
Mariposa | Henness Ridge | 37.63890 | -119.72170 | 3-Story Cab | Standing | NHLR US 281, CA 15 |
Mariposa | Miami Mountain | 37.41933 | -119.74523 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 305, CA 33 |
Mariposa | Penon Blanco Peak | 37.73193 | -120.26138 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1327, CA 150 |
Mariposa/ Tuolumne | Pilot Peak | 39.78319 | -120.86860 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1394, CA 217 |
Mariposa | Signal Peak | 37.52923 | -119.74066 | 2-StoryCab | Standing | NHLR US 639, CA 75 |
Mariposa/ Tuolumne | Smith Peak | 37.80075 | -120.10087 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1188, CA 119 |
Mariposa | Trumbull | 37.68129 | -119.86334 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 285, CA 19 |
Mariposa | Williams Peak | 37.60001 | -120.17083 | 2-StoryCab | Gone | FFLOS US 1907, CA 102 NHLR US 1327, CA 150 |
Mendocino | Anthony Peak | 39.84621 | -122.96461 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 88, CA 2 |
Mendocino | Cahto Peak | 39.68590 | -123.58181 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1125, CA 110 |
Mendocino | Cold Spring Mountain | 39.02222 | -123.52296 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 397, CA 48 |
Mendocino | Gualala Mountain | 38.85572 | -123.49654 | Tower | Gone | |
Mendocino | Hunter Point | 39.21235 | -122.95430 | 2-StoryCab | Gone | FFLOS US 1909, CA 104 |
Mendocino | Iron Peak | 39.80848 | -123.48138 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1126, CA 111 |
Mendocino | Lookout Peak | 39.13617 | -123.24596 | Tower | Gone | |
Mendocino | Mathison Peak | 39.27185 | -123.69218 | Encl. Tower | Gone | |
Mendocino | Poison Rock | 39.72878 | -123.03093 | Encl. Tower | Gone | |
Mendocino | Sanhedrin, Mount | 39.51590 | -123.09616 | 3-Story Cab | Standing | NHLR US 1328, CA 151 |
Mendocino | Sherwood Peak | 39.51243 | -123.51148 | Tree | Abandoned | |
Mendocino | Two Rock | 39.36073 | -123.44515 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1398, CA 221 |
Merced | Barfield | 37.49206 | -120.64843 | Tower | Gone | |
Merced | Basalt Hill | 37.01899 | -121.08656 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 880, CA 90 |
Merced/ Stanislaus | Dickinson Hill | 37.55092 | -120.59903 | Tower | Gone | |
Modoc | Blue Mountain | 41.83017 | -120.86377 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1329, CA 152 |
Modoc | Blue Mountain Tree (East Peak) | 41.82895 | -120.85218 | Tree | Standing | |
Modoc | Fox Mountain | 41.26982 | -121.04103 | 2-StoryCab | Gone | FFLOS US 1910, CA 105 |
Modoc | Happy Camp Mountain | 41.41582 | -121.10925 | Ground | Standing | NHLR US 1330, CA 153 |
Modoc | Manzanita Mountain | 41.27737 | -120.80059 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1332, CA 155 |
Modoc | Sugar Hill | 41.80396 | -120.32657 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1331, CA 154 |
Modoc | Timber Mountain | 41.62841 | -121.29859 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1333, CA 156 |
Modoc | Tule Lake NWR | 41.83788 | -121.51324 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1956, CA 110 |
Mono | Bald Mountain | 37.78400 | -118.90161 | 2-StoryCab | Standing | NHLR US 279, CA 13 |
Monterey | Calandra (Williams Hill) | 35.95164 | -121.00163 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 395, CA 46 |
Monterey/ San Benito | Chalone Peak | 36.44772 | -121.19566 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 396, CA 47 |
Monterey | Chews Ridge | 36.31091 | -121.56830 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 751, CA 82 |
Monterey | Cone Peak | 36.05203 | -121.49596 | Ground | Standing | NHLR US 1288, CA 126 |
Monterey | Junipero Serra (Santa Lucia) | 36.14607 | -121.42078 | Tower | Standing* | FFLOS US 1864, CA 59 |
Monterey | Pinyon Peak | 36.16904 | -121.37967 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1870, CA 65 |
Monterey | Sid Ormsbee (Pinyon Peak) | 36.48969 | -121.78662 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 883, CA 93 |
Monterey | Three Peaks | 35.84798 | -121.30533 | Encl. Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1872, CA 67 |
Monterey | Ventana Double Cone | 36.29702 | -121.71497 | Ground | Gone | FFLOS US 1873, CA 68 |
Napa/ Yolo | Berryessa Peak | 38.66385 | -122.19045 | Encl. Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1736, CA 21 |
Nevada | Banner Mountain | 39.24572 | -120.96555 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1334, CA 157 |
Nevada | Camels Hump | 39.21687 | -120.85093 | 2-StoryCab | Gone | FFLOS US 1957, CA 111 |
Nevada | Cherry Hill | 39.41708 | -120.79767 | Encl. Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1958, CA 112 |
Nevada | Columbia Hill | 39.39055 | -120.96716 | Encl. Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1963, CA 113 |
Nevada | Grouse Ridge | 39.38618 | -120.61261 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 283, CA 17 |
Nevada | Wolf Mountain | 39.13325 | -121.10015 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1335, CA 158 |
Orange | Bolero | 33.70927 | -117.65388 | 2-StoryCab | Gone | FFLOS US 1599, CA 15 |
Orange | Gilman Peak | 33.92397 | -117.77615 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1711, CA 18 |
Orange | San Juan | 33.59669 | -117.50968 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 852, CA 11 |
Orange/ Riverside | Santiago Peak | 33.71061 | -117.53421 | Tower | Standing* | FFLOS US 518, CA 4 |
Orange/ Riverside | Sierra Peak | 33.85028 | -117.65361 | Ground | Gone | FFLOS US 853, CA 12 |
Placer | Big Valley Bluff | 39.22694 | -120.57881 | Tower | Gone | |
Placer | Bunker Hill | 39.04943 | -120.38047 | 3-Story Cab | Standing | NHLR US 593, CA 64 |
Placer | Duncan Peak (Little Bald Mountain) | 39.14377 | -120.50908 | Ground | Standing | NHLR US 590, CA 61 |
Placer | Duncan Peak (old) | 39.15458 | -120.51261 | Ground | Gone | |
Placer | Helester Point | 39.21368 | -120.69332 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1986, CA 114 |
Placer | Howell Hill | 39.06711 | -120.97232 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1336, CA 159 |
Placer | Martis Peak | 39.29236 | -120.03471 | Ground | Standing | NHLR US 277, CA 12 |
Placer | Mosquito Ridge | 39.02633 | -120.70215 | Tower | Gone | |
Placer | Stateline | 39.23165 | -120.00888 | Ground | Gone | FFLOS US 1987, CA 115 |
Plumas | Argentine Rock | 39.95189 | -120.76313 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 601, CA 72 |
Plumas | Bald Eagle Mountain | 39.93851 | -121.23611 | Platform | Gone | |
Plumas | Ben Lomond | 40.00164 | -121.30729 | Ground | Gone | |
Plumas | Black Mountain | 40.11464 | -120.32123 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 692, CA 79 |
Plumas | Camel Peak | 39.72028 | -121.10166 | 2-StoryCab | Gone | FFLOS US 1911, CA 106 |
Plumas | Claremont | 39.88529 | -120.93106 | Ground | Gone | |
Plumas | Dixie Mountain | 39.93882 | -120.28536 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1337, CA 160 |
Plumas | Elwell, Mount | 39.70820 | -120.68908 | Ground | Gone | FFLOS US 1989, CA 117 |
Plumas | Harkness, Mount | 40.43116 | -121.30158 | 2-StoryCab | Gone | NHLR US 516, CA 54 |
Plumas | Hough, Mount | 40.04432 | -120.88643 | 3-Story Cab | Standing | NHLR US 1339, CA 162 |
Plumas | Ingalls, Mount | 39.99417 | -120.62744 | Encl. Tower | Gone | |
Plumas | Kellogg Ridge | 39.74172 | -121.23347 | Tower | Gone | |
Plumas | Kettle Rock | 40.14651 | -120.72032 | 2-StoryCab | Gone | FFLOS US 1720, CA 22 |
Plumas | Lexington Hill | 39.67863 | -121.00990 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1988, CA 116 |
Plumas | Pilot Peak | 37.76263 | -119.93594 | 2-StoryCab | Standing | NHLR US 600, CA 71 |
Plumas | Radio Hill | 39.94027 | -120.92882 | Ground | Gone | |
Plumas | Red Hill | 40.03734 | -121.18739 | Tower | Standing* | |
Plumas | Red Rock | 40.29693 | -120.70958 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1391, CA 214 |
Plumas | Smith Peak | 39.86741 | -120.53068 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1420, CA 225 |
Plumas | Spanish Peak | 39.93450 | -121.12638 | Ground | Gone | FFLOS US 1867, CA 62 |
Plumas | Table Mountain | 39.77158 | -121.07690 | Ground | Gone | |
Plumas | Thompson Peak | 40.26097 | -120.55762 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1340, CA 163 |
Riverside | Barker Peak/ (Barton) | 33.88374 | -116.83649 | Tower | Gone | |
Riverside | Black Mountain | 33.82421 | -116.75763 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 289, CA 22 |
Riverside | Box Springs Mountain | 33.96164 | -117.28044 | Ground | Gone | FFLOS US 527, CA 8 |
Riverside | Estelle Mountain | 33.76748 | -117.42191 | Tower | Gone | |
Riverside | Ranger Peak | 33.84440 | -116.82543 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 687, CA 10 |
Riverside | Red Mountain | 33.63022 | -116.84792 | Tower | Standing* | NHLR US 290, CA 23 |
Riverside | Santa Rosa Peak | 33.53824 | -116.46160 | Tree | Abandoned | |
Riverside | Tahquitz Peak | 33.75540 | -116.67708 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 291, CA 24 |
Riverside | Thomas Mountain | 33.62135 | -116.68282 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1847, CA 42 |
Riverside | Vista Grande | 33.83569 | -116.81138 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1850, CA 45 |
San Benito | Call Mountain | 36.61914 | -121.06874 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1341, CA 164 |
San Bernardino | Butler Peak | 34.25655 | -117.00769 | Ground | Standing | NHLR US 292, CA 25 |
San Bernardino | Cajon Mountain | 34.27106 | -117.42417 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1849, CA 44 |
San Bernardino | Cajon Summit | 34.34712 | -117.45101 | 2-StoryCab | Gone | FFLOS US 1710, CA 17 |
San Bernardino | Grass Valley | 34.25955 | -117.23215 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1851, CA 46 |
San Bernardino | Keller Peak | 34.19593 | -117.04958 | Tower | Standing* | NHLR US 28, CA 1 |
San Bernardino | Little Mountain | 34.15917 | -117.31500 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1709, CA 16 |
San Bernardino | Morton Peak | 34.10272 | -117.04079 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 673, CA 78 |
San Bernardino | Red Hill (Manker) | 34.11379 | -117.62125 | 3-Story Cab | Standing | NHLR US 1381, CA 204 |
San Bernardino | San Sevaine | 34.21729 | -117.49005 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1848, CA 43 |
San Bernardino | Strawberry Peak | 34.23207 | -117.23465 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 293, CA 26 |
San Bernardino | Tip Top Mountain | 34.25170 | -116.69150 | Unknown | Gone | |
San Diego | Black Mountain | 33.15997 | -116.80804 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 515, CA 1 |
San Diego | Bottle Peak | 33.16056 | -117.00393 | Ground | Gone | FFLOS US 520, CA 6 |
San Diego | Boucher Hill | 33.33470 | -116.91989 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 394, CA 58 |
San Diego | Cuyamaca Peak | 32.94680 | -116.60683 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 516, CA 2 |
San Diego | High Point | 33.36301 | -116.83628 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 735, CA 80 |
San Diego | Hot Springs Mountain | 33.31412 | -116.58229 | Tower | Standing* | NHLR US 753, CA 84 |
San Diego | Los Pinos Mountain | 32.73448 | -116.57768 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 742, CA 81 |
San Diego | Lyons Peak | 32.70198 | -116.76367 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 754, CA 85 |
San Diego | Red Mountain | 33.40033 | -117.19094 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 755, CA 86 |
San Diego | Santa Margarita | 33.45678 | -117.39739 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 517, CA 3 |
San Diego | Tecate Peak | 32.57961 | -116.68867 | Encl. Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 521, CA 7 NHLR US 382, CA 43 |
San Diego | Woodson Mountain | 33.00865 | -116.97092 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 519, CA 5 |
San Luis Obispo | Black Mountain | 35.39255 | -120.35200 | 2-StoryCab | Gone | FFLOS US 1874, CA 69 |
San Luis Obispo | Branch Mountain | 35.18525 | -120.08498 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1392, CA 215 |
San Luis Obispo | Cerro Alto | 35.41453 | -120.73399 | Encl. Tower | Gone | |
San Luis Obispo | Hi Mountain | 35.25997 | -120.42521 | 2-StoryCab | Standing | NHLR US 522, CA 57 |
San Luis Obispo | Midway Pk | 35.16306 | -119.61750 | 3-Story Cab | Gone | FFLOS US 1854, CA 49 |
San Luis Obispo | Rocky Butte | 35.67516 | -121.05379 | Encl. Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1875, CA 70 |
San Mateo | Allen | 37.38709 | -122.29501 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1147, CA 112 |
Santa Barbara | Camuesa Peak | 34.54698 | -119.69126 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 2015, CA 132 |
Santa Barbara | Cuyama Peak | 34.75398 | -119.47615 | Tower | Standing* | NHLR US 286, CA 20 |
Santa Barbara | Figueroa Mountain | 34.74340 | -119.98495 | 2-StoryCab | Standing | NHLR US 881, CA 91 |
Santa Barbara | La Cumbre Peak | 34.49446 | -119.71273 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 882, CA 92 |
Santa Barbara | Madulce Peak | 34.69095 | -119.59114 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1856, CA 51 |
Santa Barbara | Manzanita Mountain | 34.89405 | -120.08053 | Tower | Gone | |
Santa Barbara | McPherson Peak | 34.88875 | -119.81318 | Ground | Gone | FFLOS US 1860, CA 55 |
Santa Barbara | Santa Ynez Peak | 34.52699 | -119.97859 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1863, CA 58 |
Santa Barbara | Solomon, Mount | 34.83485 | -120.38333 | Tower | Gone | |
Santa Barbara | West Big Pine | 34.69558 | -119.67740 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 2017, CA 134 |
Santa Barbara | Zaca Peak | 34.76778 | -120.02389 | Platform | Gone | FFLOS US 2018, CA 135 |
Santa Clara | Copernicus Peak (Hamilton) | 37.34676 | -121.63001 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1342, CA 165 |
Santa Clara | Eylar Mountain | 37.47750 | -121.55596 | Unknown | Gone | |
Santa Clara | Loma Prieta | 37.11077 | -121.84572 | Encl. Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1876, CA 71 |
Santa Clara | Pacheco Peak | 37.00758 | -121.28780 | Encl. Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 2019, CA 136 |
Santa Cruz | Bielawski, Mount | 37.22262 | -122.09394 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1343, CA 166 |
Santa Cruz | Chalk Mountain | 37.16057 | -122.29016 | Encl. Tower | Gone | |
Santa Cruz | Eagle Rock | 37.14755 | -122.19518 | Encl. Tower | Gone | |
Shasta | Brock Mountain | 40.80502 | -122.13218 | Tower | Gone | |
Shasta/ Trinity | Bully Choop Mountain | 40.55530 | -122.76678 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 300, CA 29 |
Shasta | Bunchgrass | 40.92844 | -121.82958 | Tower | Gone | |
Shasta | Burney Mountain | 40.80652 | -121.62805 | 2-StoryCab | Standing | NHLR US 1344, CA 167 |
Shasta | Delta Point | 40.96373 | -122.41212 | Encl. Tower | Gone | |
Shasta | Girard Ridge | 41.12830 | -122.27935 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 266, CA 10 |
Shasta | Grizzly Peak | 41.14431 | -121.97875 | Ground | Gone | FFLOS US 1991, CA 119 |
Shasta | Hat Creek Rim | 40.80858 | -121.41482 | Tower | Standing* | FFLOS US 1992, CA 120 |
Shasta | Hirz Mountain | 40.89705 | -122.24581 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 638, CA 74 |
Shasta | Hogback Mountain | 40.88340 | -121.99845 | 2-StoryCab | Standing | NHLR US 1345, CA 168 |
Shasta | Knob Peak | 40.39976 | -122.95638 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1346, CA 169 |
Shasta | Lassen Peak | 40.48820 | -121.50501 | Ground | Gone | FFLOS US 1993, CA 121 |
Shasta | Latour Butte | 40.60750 | -121.70883 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1347, CA 170 |
Shasta | Little Round Mountain | 40.83132 | -121.99312 | Encl. Tower | Gone | |
Shasta | Magee Peak | 40.68948 | -121.61903 | Ground | Gone | |
Shasta | North Fork Mountain | 41.01628 | -122.11727 | Ground | Gone | |
Shasta | Prospect Peak | 40.57320 | -121.34590 | Ground | Gone | FFLOS US 2004, CA 124 |
Shasta | Redding | 40.58067 | -122.39609 | Roof Top | Gone | |
Shasta | Shasta Bear | 40.72554 | -122.25902 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1377, CA 200 |
Shasta | Shirttail Peak | 40.74017 | -122.59479 | Ground | Gone | |
Shasta | Sims | 41.04302 | -122.36142 | Encl. Tower | Gone | |
Shasta/ Trinity | Slate Mountain | 41.00268 | -122.53760 | Tower | Gone | |
Shasta | Soldier Mountain | 41.07425 | -121.56285 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1348, CA 171 |
Shasta | South Fork Mountain | 40.65408 | -122.52501 | Tower | Standing* | FFLOS US 1884, CA 79 |
Shasta | Sugarloaf | 40.91443 | -122.44491 | 2-StoryCab | Standing | NHLR US 1349, CA 172 |
Shasta | West Prospect Peak | 40.59393 | -121.37944 | 2-StoryCab | Standing | NHLR US 1350, CA 173 |
Sierra | Alaska Peak | 39.44844 | -121.00567 | Encl. Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 2005, CA 125 |
Sierra | Babbitt Peak | 39.60215 | -120.10566 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 515, CA 53 |
Sierra | Calpine | 39.67873 | -120.46348 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 595, CA 66 |
Sierra | Crystal Peak | 39.55783 | -120.08808 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 2006, CA 126 |
Sierra | Fillmore, Mount | 39.73034 | -120.85251 | Ground | Gone | |
Sierra | Mills Peak | 39.70480 | -120.62286 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 602, CA 73 |
Sierra | Poverty Hill | 39.63100 | -120.97424 | Platform | Gone | FFLOS US 2007, CA 127 |
Sierra | Saddleback Mountain | 39.63664 | -120.86444 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 591, CA 62 |
Sierra | Sardine Peak | 39.54020 | -120.18780 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 596, CA 67 |
Sierra | Sierra Buttes | 39.59355 | -120.64693 | 2-StoryCab | Standing | NHLR US 594, CA 65 |
Sierra | Verdi Peak | 39.47245 | -120.03970 | Ground | Standing | NHLR US 1351, CA 174 |
Siskiyou | Baldy Mountain | 41.80023 | -123.49347 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1352, CA 175 |
Siskiyou | Ball Mountain | 41.79535 | -122.15586 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1383, CA 206 |
Siskiyou | Black Butte | 41.36628 | -122.34792 | Ground | Gone | FFLOS US 2008, CA 128 |
Siskiyou | Black Fox Mountain | 41.34655 | -121.89103 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1353, CA 176 |
Siskiyou | Blue Ridge | 41.27236 | -123.18796 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 114, CA 5 |
Siskiyou | Bolivar | 41.27241 | -122.79567 | 2-StoryCab | Standing | NHLR US 1354, CA 177 |
Siskiyou | Bradley, Mount | 41.22177 | -122.30801 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1418, CA 224 |
Siskiyou | Buckhorn Bally | 41.91955 | -122.79770 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1355, CA 178 |
Siskiyou | Bullion Mountain | 41.94885 | -122.73346 | Tree | Abandoned | |
Siskiyou | Cecil Point | 41.09086 | -123.12789 | Encl. Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 2009, CA 129 |
Siskiyou | China Peak | 41.83627 | -123.27627 | Encl. Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 2014, CA 131 |
Siskiyou | Collins Creek Baldy | 41.77520 | -122.95157 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1417, CA 223 |
Siskiyou/ Trinity | Cory Peak | 41.32905 | -122.60412 | Unknown | Gone | |
Siskiyou | Craggy Peak | 41.25938 | -122.78052 | Ground | Gone | FFLOS US 2020, CA 137 |
Siskiyou | Deadwood Baldy | 41.76859 | -122.81874 | Encl. Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 2021, CA 138 |
Siskiyou | Denny Point | 41.44987 | -122.80720 | Ground | Gone | |
Siskiyou | Dry Lake Mountain | 41.90765 | -122.94048 | 2-StoryCab | Gone | FFLOS US 2022, CA 139 |
Siskiyou | Duzel Rock | 41.52687 | -122.72278 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1152, CA 113 |
Siskiyou/ Trinity | Eagle Peak | 41.20367 | -122.80169 | Tree | Abandoned | |
Siskiyou | Eagle Rock | 41.87721 | -122.24256 | Platform | Gone | |
Siskiyou/ Trinity | Eddy, Mount | 41.31972 | -122.47929 | Ground | Gone | FFLOS US 1994, CA 122 |
Siskiyou | Eddy Gulch | 41.23955 | -123.10623 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 104, CA 4 |
Siskiyou | English Peak | 41.40120 | -123.21471 | Ground | Standing | NHLR US 94, CA 3 |
Siskiyou | Gazelle Mountain | 41.41247 | -122.67344 | Encl. Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 2023, CA 140 |
Siskiyou | Gray Butte | 41.34526 | -122.19581 | Unknown | Gone | |
Siskiyou | Herd Peak | 41.62816 | -122.23153 | Ground | Standing | NHLR US 304, CA 32 |
Siskiyou | Hungry Creek | 41.99859 | -122.72294 | Encl. Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 2024, CA 141 |
Siskiyou | Lake Mountain | 41.74854 | -123.13358 | 2-StoryCab | Standing | NHLR US 159, CA 6 |
Siskiyou | Lakeview | 41.95363 | -122.36250 | Ground | Gone | FFLOS US 2032, CA 141 |
Siskiyou | Little Mt Hoffman | 41.57869 | -121.65823 | Ground | Standing | NHLR US 260, CA 9 |
Siskiyou | Lower Devils Peak | 41.87489 | -123.20116 | 2-StoryCab | Gone | |
Siskiyou | Marble Mountain | 41.56693 | -123.20652 | Alidade | Gone | |
Siskiyou/ Trinity | Mary Blaine Mountain | 41.09319 | -123.25831 | Ground | Gone | |
Siskiyou | Medicine Mountain | 41.49494 | -123.31876 | Ground | Gone | FFLOS US 2036, CA 142 |
Siskiyou | Offield Mountain | 41.42347 | -123.47108 | Encl. Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 2037, CA 143 |
Siskiyou | Orr Mountain | 41.66740 | -121.97466 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1009, CA 98 |
Siskiyou/ Trinity | Packers Peak | 41.09114 | -122.97087 | Ground | Gone | FFLOS US 2038, CA 144 |
Siskiyou | Paradise Craggy | 41.81477 | -122.54670 | Ground | Standing | NHLR US 1356, CA 179 |
Siskiyou | Pony Peak | 41.61263 | -123.56823 | Encl. Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 2039, CA 145 |
Siskiyou | Quartz Hill | 41.59936 | -122.93346 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1153, CA 114 |
Siskiyou | Round Mountain | 41.42734 | -121.46253 | 2-StoryCab | Standing | NHLR US 1357, CA 180 |
Siskiyou | Schonchin Butte | 41.73812 | -121.52904 | 2-StoryCab | Standing | NHLR US 1358, CA 181 |
Siskiyou | Scott Bar Mountain | 41.65894 | -123.09559 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1382, CA 205 |
Siskiyou | Siskiyou Bear | 41.30148 | -121.71900 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1384, CA 207 |
Siskiyou | Slater Butte | 41.85805 | -123.35352 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1378, CA 201 |
Siskiyou | Ukonom Mountain | 41.58401 | -123.47600 | 2-StoryCab | Standing | NHLR US 1359, CA 182 |
Siskiyou | Van Bremmer | 41.64337 | -121.79473 | Encl. Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 2040, CA 146 |
Siskiyou | Windy Peak | 41.97541 | -123.13656 | Ground | Gone | FFLOS US 2041, CA 147 |
Sonoma | Jackson, Mount | 38.53962 | -122.96124 | Encl. Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1853, CA 48 |
Sonoma | Oak Ridge | 38.73304 | -123.28963 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 841, CA 89 |
Sonoma | Pole Mountain | 38.50532 | -123.11999 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 273, CA 11 |
Sonoma | Red Oat Mountain | 38.56720 | -123.09239 | Encl. Tower | Gone | |
Sonoma | Saint Helena, Mount | 38.66967 | -122.63335 | Encl. Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1866, CA 61 |
Stanislaus | Mike’s Peak (Salado Mountain) | 37.35739 | -121.31782 | Ground | Gone | |
Stanislaus | Oso, Mount | 37.50732 | -121.37429 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1393, CA 216 |
Tehama | Ball Mountain | 39.93175 | -122.78505 | Encl. Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 2044, CA 150 |
Tehama | Ball Rock | 39.96666 | -122.73815 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 2045, CA 151 |
Tehama | Brokeoff Mountain | 40.44560 | -121.55959 | Ground | Gone | FFLOS US 2046, CA 152 |
Tehama | Campbellville | 40.03535 | -121.71865 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 2053, CA 159 |
Tehama | Colby Mountain | 40.14633 | -121.52222 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 391, CA 45 |
Tehama | Digger Butte | 40.43124 | -121.78614 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1713, CA 19 NHLR US 398, CA 49 |
Tehama | Eagle Peak | 39.92712 | -122.64190 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1360, CA 183 |
Tehama | Greasewood Hill | 40.15771 | -122.74004 | Ground | Gone | |
Tehama/ Trinity | Hammerhorn Mountain | 40.00159 | -122.95049 | Ground | Gone | FFLOS US 2048, CA 154 |
Tehama | Inskip Hill | 40.34156 | -121.94329 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1361, CA 184 |
Tehama | McCarthy Point | 40.18573 | -121.67648 | Ground | Gone | NHLR US 583, CA 60 |
Tehama | Montgomery | 40.12988 | -122.43281 | Encl. Tower | Gone | |
Tehama | Pattymocus Butte | 40.29635 | -122.86814 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1362, CA 185 |
Tehama | Post Creek | 40.23560 | -122.92563 | Ground | Standing | NHLR US 1363, CA 186 |
Tehama | Tedoc Mountain | 40.24769 | -122.89611 | Ground | Gone | |
Tehama | Tomhead Mountain | 40.13657 | -122.81714 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1364, CA 187 |
Tehama | Turner Mountain | 40.29890 | -121.61702 | Tower/Ground | Standing | NHLR US 1365, CA 188 |
Tehama | Tuscan Buttes | 40.26202 | -122.09263 | 2-StoryCab | Gone | |
Tehama | Vina | 39.92879 | -122.02727 | 2-StoryCab | Gone | FFLOS US 1885, CA 80 |
Tehama | Windy Cut | 40.16211 | -121.57832 | Ground | Gone | FFLOS US 2055, CA 161 |
Trinity | Backbone | 40.88930 | -123.14249 | Ground | Gone | |
Trinity | Billys Peak | 41.12146 | -122.74616 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 2047, CA 153 |
Trinity | Black Rock Mountain | 40.20456 | -123.00964 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1419, CA 161 |
Trinity | Bonanza King | 41.07997 | -122.62436 | Ground | Standing | NHLR US 1056, CA 101 |
Trinity | Bowerman Ridge | 40.89454 | -122.73302 | Tower | Gone | |
Trinity | Cabin Peak | 41.00124 | -123.20209 | Ground | Gone | |
Trinity | Cold Springs | 40.53811 | -123.51394 | Tower | Gone | |
Trinity | Dedrick Point | 40.84610 | -123.05230 | Ground | Gone | |
Trinity | Dubakella Mountain | 40.38384 | -123.14640 | Ground | Gone | |
Trinity | Eagle Rock | 40.74935 | -123.32471 | Ground | Gone | FFLOS US 1598, CA 14 |
Trinity | Granite Peak | 40.90999 | -122.87268 | Ground | Gone | FFLOS US 1887, CA 82 |
Trinity | Hayfork Bally | 40.65881 | -123.21906 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1366, CA 189 |
Trinity | Hetenshaw Peak | 40.25849 | -123.38614 | Camp | Gone | |
Trinity | Ironside Mountain | 40.83263 | -123.45135 | Ground | Gone | FFLOS US 2083, CA 169 NHLR US 1057, CA 102 |
Trinity | Kettenpom Peak | 40.14555 | -123.46972 | Tower | Gone | NHLR US 1367, CA 190 |
Trinity | Limedyke Mountain | 40.52483 | -123.41711 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1590, CA 13 |
Trinity | Mad River Rock | 40.37333 | -123.47733 | Ground | Gone | |
Trinity | Plummer Peak | 40.49295 | -123.19997 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1368, CA 191 |
Trinity | Red Mountain | 40.31514 | -123.13739 | Tower | Gone | |
Trinity | Virgin Creek Butte | 41.06359 | -123.35008 | Ground | Gone | |
Trinity | Weaver Bally | 40.79763 | -123.00392 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1060, CA 105 |
Trinty | Horse Ridge | 40.26002 | -123.26314 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 647, CA 77 |
Trinty | Pickett Peak | 40.34570 | -123.36328 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1369, CA 192 |
Tulare | Ash Peak | 36.52710 | -118.84154 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 2072, CA 165 |
Tulare | Baker Point | 35.85232 | -118.50279 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 376, CA 38 |
Tulare | Bald Mountain | 36.01967 | -118.25401 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 383, CA 44 |
Tulare | Blue Ridge | 36.28688 | -118.83966 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1998, CA 123 |
Tulare | Buck Rock | 36.73727 | -118.86067 | Ground | Standing | NHLR US 284, CA 18 |
Tulare | Buena Vista Peak | 36.71153 | -118.89691 | Obs Pt | Abandoned | |
Tulare | Cahoon Rock | 36.37878 | -118.69011 | Encl. Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 2049, CA 155 |
Tulare | Cannell Peak | 35.86507 | -118.36160 | Tree | Abandoned | |
Tulare | Eshom Point | 36.63377 | -118.94228 | Ground | Gone | FFLOS US 2050, CA 156 |
Tulare | Gibbon Peak | 35.95600 | -118.76514 | Obs Pt | Abandoned | |
Tulare | Jordon Peak | 36.18136 | -118.59821 | Encl. Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 2052, CA 158 NHLR US 380, CA 41 |
Tulare | Kern Peak | 36.30852 | -118.28796 | Ground | Gone | FFLOS US 2051, CA 157 |
Tulare | King George Peak | 35.87124 | -118.74195 | Obs Pt | Abandoned | |
Tulare | Little Baldy | 36.61444 | -118.80456 | Camp | Abandoned | |
Tulare | Lookout Point | 36.42932 | -118.76237 | Obs Pt | Abandoned | |
Tulare | Milk Ranch Peak | 36.48631 | -118.78081 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1517, CA 226 |
Tulare | Mitchell Peak | 36.73220 | -118.71529 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 2074, CA 167 |
Tulare | Mule Peak | 36.01598 | -118.61525 | Ground | Gone | NHLR US 381, CA 42 |
Tulare | Needles, The | 36.10957 | -118.48477 | 2-StoryCab | Gone | FFLOS US 1846, CA 41 |
Tulare | Paradise Peak | 36.47701 | -118.69814 | Ground | Gone | FFLOS US 2075, CA 168 |
Tulare | Park Ridge | 36.72444 | -118.94376 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 892, CA 97 |
Tulare | Shadequarter | 36.56727 | -118.95669 | Encl. Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1370, CA 193 |
Tulare | Sherman Peak | 36.01023 | -118.39105 | Tower | Gone | |
Tulare | Tobias Peak | 35.85008 | -118.57257 | Ground | Standing | NHLR US 313, CA 37 |
Tuolumne | American Camp | 38.08629 | -120.38726 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1180, CA 115 |
Tuolumne | Crandall Peak | 38.15882 | -120.14349 | 3-Story Cab | Gone | FFLOS US 1878, CA 73 |
Tuolumne | Crane Flat | 37.75969 | -119.82064 | 2-StoryCab | Standing | NHLR US 280, CA 14 |
Tuolumne | Darby Knob | 38.17199 | -120.38490 | Platform | Gone | FFLOS US 1879, CA 74 |
Tuolumne | Duckwall Mountain | 37.96866 | -120.11986 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1190, CA 121 |
Tuolumne | Elizabeth, Mount | 38.06302 | -120.24750 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1186, CA 117 |
Tuolumne | Forebay | 38.14676 | -120.36230 | Tower | Gone | |
Tuolumne | Jones Point | 37.87574 | -119.97621 | Ground | Gone | FFLOS US 1881, CA 76 |
Tuolumne | Liberty Hill | 38.36787 | -120.10084 | Tower | Gone | |
Tuolumne | McCormick | 38.18175 | -120.27981 | Tower | Gone | |
Tuolumne | North Mountain | 37.90262 | -119.89685 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1189, CA 120 |
Tuolumne | Pinecrest Peak | 38.22458 | -119.92762 | Ground | Gone | FFLOS US 1883, CA 78 |
Tuolumne | Rushing Mountain | 37.82860 | -120.56871 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1371, CA 194 |
Tuolumne | Sugarloaf | 37.89792 | -120.14585 | Encl. Tower | Gone | |
Tuolumne | Thompson Peak | 37.99915 | -120.06894 | Encl. Tower | Gone | |
Tuolumne | Woods Ridge | 37.95911 | -119.96890 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1187, CA 118 |
Ventura | Frazier Mountain | 34.77492 | -118.96929 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1372, CA 195 |
Ventura | Nordhoff Peak | 34.49816 | -119.24215 | Tower | Standing* | FFLOS US 1857, CA 52 |
Ventura | Reyes Peak | 34.63088 | -119.28162 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1859, CA 54 |
Ventura | Rincon Mountain | 34.37224 | -119.42124 | Ground | Gone | |
Ventura | Santa Paula Peak | 34.44030 | -119.00966 | Tower | Gone | |
Ventura | South Mountain | 34.33112 | -119.02220 | 2-StoryCab | Standing | NHLR US 885, CA 95 |
Ventura | Thorn Point | 34.60649 | -119.12818 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 308, CA 36 |
Ventura | Topatopa Peak | 34.53915 | -118.98795 | Tower | Standing* | FFLOS US 1858, CA 53 |
Ventura | Triunfo | 34.10591 | -118.91535 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1780, CA 26 |
Yuba | Oregon Peak | 39.38798 | -121.17688 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1373, CA 196 |
Yuba | Pike County Peak | 39.47481 | -121.20230 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1374, CA 197 |
Yuba | Walsh Mountain | 39.16992 | -121.30411 | Tower | Gone | |
Non-Wildland Lookouts | ||||||
County | Name | Lat | Long | Type | Status | NHLR/FFLOS |
Humboldt | Pierce, Mount AWS | 40.41715 | -124.12057 | AWS | Gone | |
Humboldt | Le Perron Peak AWS | 41.23581 | -123.51437 | Ground | Gone | FFLOS US 1898, CA 93 |
Los Angeles | Wilson, Mount | 34.22449 | -118.05864 | Tower | Non-fire | NHLR US 1380, CA 203 |
Los Angeles | Pacifico, Mount | 34.38232 | -118.03482 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1786, CA 32 |
Monterey | Semas Mountain AWS | 35.88258 | -120.82185 | AWS | Gone | |
Monterey | Plaskett Ridge AWS | 35.94908 | -121.42124 | AWS | Gone | FFLOS US 1871, CA 66 |
Monterey | Anderson Peak AWS | 36.18096 | -121.64293 | AWS | Gone | FFLOS US 1869, CA 64 |
Monterey | Carmel, Mount AWS | 36.38581 | -121.78825 | AWS | Gone | FFLOS US 1865, CA 60 |
Monterey | Toro, Mount AWS | 36.52571 | -121.60987 | AWS | Gone | |
Monterey/ San Benito | Fremont Peak (Military) | 36.75714 | -121.50405 | Tower | Gone | |
Nevada | Red Mountain (Railroad) | 39.33590 | -120.54039 | Ground | Non-wildfire | NHLR US 1162, CA 222 |
Riverside | Corona AWS | 33.83426 | -117.57233 | Ground | Gone | FFLOS US 1877, CA 72 |
San Luis Obispo | Caliente Mountain AWS | 35.03632 | -119.76034 | AWS | Gone | FFLOS US 1861, CA 56 |
San Luis Obispo | Avenales AWS | 35.18922 | -120.24640 | AWS | Gone | FFLOS US 2042, CA 148 |
San Luis Obispo | Bald Mountain AWS | 35.23997 | -120.50298 | AWS | Gone | FFLOS US 2043, CA 149 |
San Mateo | Pise Point AWS | 37.45564 | -122.34154 | AWS | Gone | |
Santa Barbara | McKinley Mountain AWS | 34.70250 | -119.84539 | AWS | Gone | |
Santa Barbara | Salisbury AWS | 34.82287 | -119.71336 | AWS | Gone | |
Santa Barbara | Los Coches Mountain AWS | 34.98311 | -120.25728 | AWS | Gone | |
Santa Barbara | Miranda Pine Mountain AWS | 35.03901 | -120.03975 | AWS | Gone | FFLOS US 1862, CA 57 |
Ventura | Pinos, Mount AWS | 34.81286 | -119.14538 | AWS | Gone | FFLOS US 2016, CA 133 |
Relocated / Replica Lookouts | ||||||
County | Name | Lat | Long | Type | Status | NHLR/FFLOS |
Lassen | Big Valley Museum (Relocated Hayden Hill) | 41.12225 | -121.13836 | Ground | Standing | NHLR US 1375, CA 198 |
Lassen | Eagle Lake (Relocated Dow) | 40.55811 | -120.78245 | Ground | Standing | NHLR US 241, CA 8 |
Lassen | Susanville Fairgrounds (Relocated Pegleg) | 40.41438 | -120.63530 | Tower | Standing | |
Los Angeles | LA County Fairplex (Relocated Johnston Peak) | 34.08262 | -117.77004 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1379, CA 202 |
Plumas | Quincy Fairgrounds (Relocated Ingalls) | 39.93965 | -120.91466 | 2-Story Cab | Standing | NHLR US 1390, CA 213 |
Riverside | Hemet-Ryan (Relocated Estelle) | 33.73025 | -117.02191 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 752, CA 83 |
Riverside | Henninger Flats (Relocated Castro) | 34.19332 | -118.09008 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1289, CA 127 |
San Luis Obispo | Black Willow Spring (Relocated Salisbury Portero AWS) | 34.83255 | -119.76376 | AWS | Standing | NHLR US 1395, CA 218 |