Additional Wisconsin Information
Return to U. S. Lookouts (List of States)
Alphabetical List
Other sort: by County
Other sort: Standing
Lookout Structures | ||||||
Name | County | Lat | Long | Type | Status | NHLR/FFLOS |
Ada Lake | Langlade | 45.37266 | -88.74469 | Tower | Gone | |
Aniwa | Marathon | 45.03104 | -89.26429 | Tower | Gone | |
Anvil Lake | Vilas | 45.96878 | -89.05135 | Tower | Gone | |
Archibald | Oconto | 45.26287 | -88.58689 | Tower | Gone | |
Bagley – first | Oconto | 45.08155 | -88.33403 | Tower | Gone | |
Bagley | Oconto | 45.10572 | -88.31764 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1209, WI 15 |
Barronette | Washburn | 45.67394 | -91.98040 | Tower | Gone | |
Bass Lake | Florence | 45.75071 | -88.32637 | Tower | Gone | |
Basswood | Langlade | 45.37701 | -89.29184 | Tower | Gone | |
Bayfield | Bayfield | 46.83417 | -90.85156 | Tower | Gone | |
Beaver | Marinette | 45.17812 | -88.10938 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1210, WI 16 |
Beck | Oneida | 45.54517 | -89.16873 | Tower | Gone | |
Belle Mound | Jackson | 44.24808 | -90.73344 | Tower | Gone | |
Bennett – first | Douglas | 46.42314 | -91.87874 | Tower | Gone | |
Bennett (Lake Minnesuing) | Douglas | 46.43087 | -91.78105 | Tower | Standing | |
Birch Ridge | Ashland | 46.52319 | -90.55046 | Tower | Gone | |
Birchwood | Rusk | 45.59402 | -91.53159 | Tower | Gone | |
Blue Hills | Rusk | 45.50028 | -91.40355 | Tower | Standing | |
Boulder | Vilas | 46.10659 | -89.71434 | Tower | Gone | |
Boulder Lake | Oconto | 45.12972 | -88.63412 | Tower | Gone | |
Bruce Mound | Clark | 44.44404 | -90.79338 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1223, WI 27 |
Brule | Douglas | 46.46607 | -91.56573 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1222, WI 26 |
Brunet | Sawyer | 45.94618 | -90.77030 | Tower | Gone | |
Bryant (Hulbert Hill) | Langlade | 45.24869 | -89.01662 | Tower | Gone | |
Buckeye | Florence | 45.89685 | -88.24497 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1201, WI 13 |
Butternut | Ashland | 46.02372 | -90.49791 | Tower | Gone | |
Camp Douglas | Juneau | 43.92379 | -90.25825 | Tower | Gone | NHLR US 1296, WI 56 |
Camp Ten | Lincoln | 45.54854 | -89.50997 | Tower | Gone | |
Carter | Oconto | 45.37677 | -88.63848 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1742, WI 1 |
Cary Mound | Wood | 44.49724 | -90.22419 | Tower | Gone | |
Castle Mound | Jackson | 44.27986 | -90.82182 | Ground | Gone | |
Cataract | Monroe | 44.02333 | -90.82164 | Tower | Standing | |
Cedar Rapids | Rusk | 45.56711 | -90.88837 | Tower | Gone | |
Cedarville | Marinette | 45.45558 | -88.00941 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1200, WI 12 |
Chapman | Marinette | 45.71964 | -87.85614 | Tower | Gone | |
Chetek | Barron | 45.37183 | -91.62611 | Tower | Gone | NHLR US 1246, WI 41 |
Clam Lake | Sawyer | 46.13338 | -90.95843 | Tower | Standing | |
Clevedon | Douglas | 46.62064 | -91.60870 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1227, WI 31 |
Collins Marsh | Manitowoc | 44.08286 | -87.96828 | Tower | Standing | |
Connors Lake | Sawyer | 45.75828 | -90.71394 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1216, WI 22 |
Consolidated | Forest | 45.65930 | -88.73492 | Tower | Gone | |
Corning | Lincoln | 45.23478 | -90.00421 | Tower | Gone | |
Crab Lake | Vilas | 46.21181 | -89.74294 | Tower | Gone | |
Cranberry Rock | Juneau | 44.24010 | -89.99500 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1229, WI 33 |
Dairyland | Douglas | 46.24411 | -92.24371 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1240, WI 35 |
Danbury | Burnett | 45.96426 | -92.31827 | Tower | Gone | NHLR US 1249, WI 44 |
Dells (Blue Mound) | Adams | 43.67382 | -89.77945 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1589, WI 49 |
Delta | Bayfield | 46.43229 | -91.32354 | Tower | Gone | |
Dunbar | Marinette | 45.66512 | -88.10998 | Tower | Gone | NHLR US 1199, WI 11 |
Dutchman | Menominee | 45.00268 | -88.87180 | Tower | Gone | |
Dyracuse | Adams | 44.17305 | -89.78403 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1230, WI 34 |
Elderon (Pike Lake) | Marathon | 44.81023 | -89.32084 | Tower | Gone | |
Elk River | Price | 45.75067 | -90.11616 | Tower | Gone | |
Fenton Lake | Washburn | 45.65645 | -91.74191 | Tower | Gone | |
Fifield (Wintergreen) | Price | 45.88679 | -90.32436 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 712, WI 4 |
Fivemile | Washburn | 46.10737 | -92.02859 | Tower | Gone | NHLR US 1242, WI 37 |
Flambeau | Vilas | 45.99621 | -89.84492 | Tower | Gone | |
Flambeau Ridge – first | Chippewa | 45.28101 | -91.20750 | Tower | Gone | |
Flambeau Ridge | Chippewa | 45.28046 | -91.21643 | Tower | Standing | |
Flannagan | Douglas | 46.58549 | -91.93616 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1244, WI 39 |
Florence | Florence | 45.96237 | -88.49942 | Tower | Gone | |
Frederic | Polk | 45.63615 | -92.42371 | Tower | Standing | |
Friendship Mound (Skyline) | Adams | 43.98731 | -89.81813 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1259, WI 45 |
Fromm | Lincoln | 45.13102 | -89.92066 | Tower | Gone | |
Gilman | Taylor | 45.04597 | -90.88914 | Tower | Gone | |
Girard Junction | Marinette | 45.49710 | -88.20283 | Tower | Gone | |
Glidden | Ashland | 46.13456 | -90.56547 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1228, WI 32 |
Goodman | Marinette | 45.61607 | -88.33141 | Tower | Gone | NHLR US 1211, WI 17 |
Gordon | Douglas | 46.24484 | -91.80751 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1260, WI 46 |
Grantsburg | Burnett | 45.77221 | -92.68967 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1951, WI 3 |
Greenfield | Monroe | 44.04548 | -90.62743 | Tower | Standing | |
Halls Lake | Florence | 45.82430 | -88.29903 | Tower | Gone | |
Harmony | Price | 45.57733 | -90.56131 | Tower | Gone | |
Hawthorne | Douglas | 46.50389 | -91.86222 | Tower | Gone | |
Hayward | Sawyer | 46.00217 | -91.40744 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1217, WI 23 |
Hickey Bluff | Adams | 43.82138 | -89.70978 | Tower | Gone | |
Highland | Douglas | 46.34122 | -91.58180 | Tower | Standing | |
Hiles | Forest | 45.70629 | -88.94321 | Tower | Gone | |
Hodag | Oneida | 45.62548 | -89.35464 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1269, WI 50 |
Indian Lake | Oneida | 45.80888 | -89.29938 | Tower | Gone | NHLR US 1196, WI 8 |
Iron Belt | Iron | 46.42750 | -90.35977 | Tower | Standing | |
Iron River | Bayfield | 46.57666 | -91.32448 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1270, WI 51 |
Isabella | Washburn | 45.84397 | -91.91395 | Tower | Gone | |
Island Lake | Iron | 46.27324 | -90.27772 | Tower | Gone | |
Jack Pine | Oneida | 45.68003 | -89.79804 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1194, WI 6 |
Jump River | Taylor | 45.34397 | -90.60544 | Tower | Standing | |
Jute Lake | Vilas | 46.15952 | -89.49270 | Tower | Gone | |
K | Langlade | 45.44413 | -88.99267 | Tower | Gone | |
Kennedy | Price | 45.91851 | -90.61965 | Tower | Gone | |
Kent | Langlade | 45.24368 | -88.88495 | Tower | Standing | |
Kinepoway | Menominee | 44.99944 | -88.67371 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1294, WI 54 |
Knapp | Jackson | 44.22362 | -90.50417 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1268, WI 49 |
Kolpack | Shawano | 44.92134 | -89.00690 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1219, WI 25 |
La Belle | Menominee | 45.04439 | -88.58407 | Tower | Standing | |
Ladd Creek | Rusk | 45.59968 | -90.79756 | Tower | Gone | |
Ladysmith | Rusk | 45.46458 | -91.13424 | Tower | Standing | |
Lake Julia | Forest | 45.81327 | -89.02811 | Tower | Gone | |
Lake Tomahawk | Oneida | 45.83561 | -89.61024 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1245, WI 40 |
Lampson | Washburn | 45.98554 | -91.80243 | Tower | Standing | |
Laona | Forest | 45.59017 | -88.63796 | Tower | Standing | |
Lawrence | Rusk | 45.46470 | -90.86228 | Tower | Standing | |
Lenawee | Bayfield | 46.67741 | -91.25599 | Tower | Gone | |
Little Switzerland | Washington | 43.33642 | -88.27745 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1295, WI 55 |
Long Bluff (Camp Williams) | Juneau | Undetermined | Tower | Gone | ||
Long Lake | Florence | 45.84592 | -88.65321 | Tower | Gone | |
Long Mile (Grand View) | Bayfield | 46.29975 | -91.06011 | Tower | Standing | |
Lookout Mountain (Searchlight) | Lincoln | 45.40057 | -89.48238 | Tower | Gone | NHLR US 1243, WI 38 |
Lugerville | Price | 45.78030 | -90.52120 | Tower | Standing | |
Marathon (Hardwood Hill) | Marathon | 44.88778 | -89.76139 | Tower | Gone | |
Marengo | Ashland | 46.36799 | -90.80738 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1271, WI 52 |
Matson (N) | Marathon | 44.94602 | -89.34587 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1248, WI 43 |
McCaslin | Forest | 45.38092 | -88.45314 | Tower | Gone | |
McKenzie Lake | Washburn | 45.92626 | -92.01345 | Tower | Standing | |
Mellen | Ashland | 46.30079 | -90.61747 | Tower | Standing | |
Mercer | Iron | 46.16724 | -90.07127 | Tower | Gone | |
Meteor | Sawyer | 45.69330 | -91.34776 | Tower | Gone | NHLR US 1215, WI 21 |
Middle Inlet | Marinette | 45.30009 | -87.83930 | Tower | Gone | NHLR US 1198, WI 10 |
Military Hill (Phelps) | Vilas | 46.06670 | -89.07795 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1055, WI 5 |
Millston | Jackson | 44.16192 | -90.65797 | Tower | Gone | |
Mineral Lake | Ashland | 46.28442 | -90.80080 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 2101, WI 5 |
Monahan | Vilas | 46.08305 | -89.38247 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 2099, WI 4 NHLR US 584, WI 3 |
Monico | Oneida | 45.59452 | -89.22787 | Tower | Gone | |
Moose | Iron | 46.22096 | -90.25861 | Tower | Gone | |
Moose Hill | Ashland | 46.15568 | -90.74151 | Tower | Gone | |
Moquah | Bayfield | 46.58663 | -91.16360 | Tower | Gone | |
Moraine | Clark | 44.56297 | -90.65959 | Tower | Gone | |
Morris | Shawano | 44.82051 | -89.07102 | Tower | Gone | |
Mosinee | Marathon | 44.78976 | -89.68372 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1247, WI 42 |
Mountain – first | Oconto | 45.20406 | -88.40867 | Tower | Gone | |
Mountain | Oconto | 45.21556 | -88.46472 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 41, WI 1 |
Muskellunge | Vilas | 45.99113 | -89.59943 | Tower | Standing | |
Necedah | Juneau | 44.02286 | -90.07238 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1224, WI 28 |
Nekoosa (County Line) | Adams/Wood | 44.24797 | -89.80697 | Tower | Gone | |
Nettleton (Jones Dam) | Forest | 45.85782 | -88.84994 | Tower | Gone | |
Newald | Florence | 45.73199 | -88.56283 | Tower | Gone | |
Ninemile | Langlade | 45.23215 | -88.77215 | Tower | Gone | |
North Mound (Kokaly) | Clark | 44.76145 | -90.74072 | Tower | Standing | |
Norway Ridge | Monroe | 44.11679 | -90.34681 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1590, WI 50 |
Nursery (Nepco Lake) | Wood | 44.34680 | -89.81681 | Tower | Gone | |
Oak Ridge | Jackson | 44.21375 | -90.72250 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1266, WI 47 |
Ogema (Timms Hill) | Price | 45.45078 | -90.19532 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1214, WI 20 |
Padus | Forest | 45.49517 | -88.65196 | Tower | Gone | |
Park Falls | Price | 45.92963 | -90.44168 | Tower | Gone | NHLR US 1218, WI 24 |
Pattison | Douglas | 46.51391 | -92.13041 | Tower | Gone | NHLR US 1241, WI 36 |
Pembine | Marinette | 45.63292 | -87.95457 | Tower | Gone | |
Pence Lake | Langlade | 45.33055 | -89.06361 | Tower | Gone | |
Perkinstown | Taylor | 45.18678 | -90.62397 | Tower | Standing | |
Peshtigo | Marinette | 45.08833 | -87.75731 | Tower | Gone | |
Pickerel | Vilas | 45.96905 | -89.41967 | Tower | Gone | |
Piehl | Oneida | 45.71854 | -89.13191 | Tower | Gone | |
Pine Bluff | Dane | 43.07981 | -89.67382 | Tower | Gone | |
Pine Lake | Iron | 46.26214 | -90.12364 | Tower | Gone | |
Pine River | Forest | 45.94926 | -88.82656 | Tower | Gone | |
Pipestone | Sawyer | 45.85230 | -91.20461 | Tower | Standing | |
Pleasant Lake | Iron | 46.24421 | -90.35445 | Tower | Gone | |
Plover | Portage | 44.43722 | -89.53861 | Tower | Gone | |
Porcupine | Oneida | 45.57069 | -89.52891 | Tower | Gone | |
Potato Lake | Washburn | 45.81071 | -91.64763 | Tower | Gone | |
Quarry (Blackberry Hill) | Marathon | 44.71025 | -89.51028 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1208, WI 14 |
Quincy Bluff | Adams | 43.87657 | -89.88029 | Tower | Standing | |
Radisson | Sawyer | 45.79596 | -91.22678 | Tower | Gone | |
Rat Lake (Sugarbush Hill) | Forest | 45.55790 | -88.81401 | Tower | Gone | FFLOS US 1743, WI 2 |
Rest Lake | Vilas | 46.14225 | -89.88876 | Tower | Gone | |
Rib River | Taylor | 45.20739 | -90.17193 | Tower | Standing | |
Rindt | Taylor | 45.33902 | -90.33165 | Tower | Standing | |
Rock Falls | Lincoln | 45.33640 | -89.71428 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1212, WI 18 |
Rockstadt (Pigeon Lake) | Bayfield | 46.32514 | -91.33161 | Tower | Gone | |
Ruby | Chippewa | 45.23948 | -90.98801 | Tower | Standing | |
Saddle Mound | Jackson | 44.34948 | -90.50358 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1293, WI 53 |
Sand Island | Portage | 44.27585 | -89.64786 | Tower | Gone | |
Sand Lake (P) | Sawyer | 45.80441 | -91.44012 | Tower | Standing | |
Sand Lake (W) | Menominee | 44.88083 | -88.55528 | Tower | Standing | |
Scott | Rusk | 45.53522 | -90.98876 | Tower | Gone | |
Seeley | Sawyer | 46.14777 | -91.28392 | Tower | Gone | |
Sentinal Point | Price | 45.97078 | -90.08133 | Tower | Gone | |
Seymour | Eau Claire | 44.83472 | -91.35389 | Tower | Gone | |
Shelton | Washburn | 45.73122 | -91.82779 | Tower | Standing | |
Siren | Burnett | 45.78387 | -92.43175 | Tower | Standing | |
Smoky Hill | Bayfield | 46.23172 | -91.49435 | Tower | Gone | |
South Bluff | Wood | 44.27475 | -90.21732 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1400, WI 57 |
South Branch | Menominee | 45.01132 | -88.56244 | Tower | Gone | |
South Fork | Price | 45.94075 | -90.13850 | Tower | Gone | |
Springstead | Iron | 46.04957 | -90.15804 | Tower | Standing | |
Squirrel Hill | Oneida | 45.83122 | -89.89875 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1195, WI 7 |
Stang | Chippewa | 45.28490 | -91.47189 | Tower | Gone | |
Stateline | Vilas | 46.24313 | -89.63456 | Tower | Gone | |
Sterling | Polk | 45.62956 | -92.81351 | Tower | Gone | |
Stiles (Oconto) | Oconto | 44.83069 | -88.07372 | Tower | Gone | |
Stony Hill | Douglas | 46.53359 | -91.59318 | Tower | Gone | |
Summit | Douglas | 46.36576 | -92.12227 | Tower | Gone | |
Swayne | Sawyer | 45.68786 | -91.05754 | Tower | Standing | |
Thunder Lake | Oneida | 45.76824 | -89.21154 | Tower | Gone | |
Thunder Mountain | Marinette | 45.30615 | -88.30069 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1413, WI 48 |
Tigerton | Shawano | 44.71549 | -89.10503 | Tower | Gone | |
Timberland | Burnett | 45.64336 | -92.09359 | Tower | Standing | |
Tioga (South Mound) | Clark | 44.72151 | -90.75163 | Tower | Gone | |
Tom, Mount | Marinette | 45.30531 | -88.05094 | Tower | Gone | |
Tripoli | Oneida | 45.56607 | -89.96235 | Tower | Gone | |
Trostel | Vilas | 46.25243 | -89.90834 | Tower | Gone | |
Twin Mound | Clark | 44.58152 | -90.89495 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1267, WI 48 |
Upson | Iron | 46.41983 | -90.38485 | Tower | Gone | |
Vilas | Langlade | 45.23684 | -89.30796 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1226, WI 30 |
Virgin Lake | Iron | 46.27543 | -89.98335 | Tower | Gone | |
Washburn (Bayview) | Bayfield | 46.73684 | -91.02448 | Tower | Standing | |
West Fork | Sawyer | 46.02273 | -91.10673 | Tower | Standing | |
Wildcat | Vilas | 46.18727 | -89.64481 | Tower | Gone | |
Wilderness | Lincoln | 45.33472 | -90.04071 | Tower | Gone | |
Wilson | Eau Claire | 44.79202 | -90.99224 | Tower | Gone | |
Winter | Sawyer | 45.81020 | -90.92402 | Tower | Gone | |
Wolf River | Forest | 45.55498 | -89.00710 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1197, WI 9 |
Worchester (Phillips) | Price | 45.65737 | -90.37806 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1225, WI 29 |
Zenith | Lincoln | 45.46260 | -89.85569 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 1213, WI 19 |
Lookout Sites / Non-lookout Structures | ||||||
Name | County | Lat | Long | Type | Status | NHLR/FFLOS |
Chalk | Marinette | 45.51794 | -87.81057 | Open Tower | Gone | |
Eagle Bluff | Door | 45.16277 | -87.19802 | Open Tower | Gone | |
Sven’s Bluff | Door | 45.15401 | -87.23892 | Open Tower | Gone | |
Relocated / Replica Lookouts | ||||||
Name | County | Lat | Long | Type | Status | NHLR/FFLOS |
Ellis (Relocated Park Falls) | Price | Private | Tower | Standing | ||
Mackenzie Center (Replica – from State Fair) | Columbia | 43.40082 | -89.36251 | Tower | Standing | |
Paust (Relocated Pembine) | Marinette | 45.32896 | -88.21912 | Tower | Standing | NHLR US 107, WI 2 |