FFLA Restoration Grant Program (Starter Grants)

The restoration grant program is designed to help “jump start” restoration projects. It was thought that a modest sum, however small in amount, may make the difference in getting a project off the ground.

Restoration fund criteria:

As approved at the January 2002 Virginia Beach, Virginia Conference, and modified at the 2006 Annual Board Meeting in Wilsonville, Oregon:

#1 The restoration project request shall be specific as to what will be needed to “start up” the project with an overall project plan including dates, time frames, cost estimates, and other partners and contributors. 

#2 The funds, which are granted, are intended only for stabilization, initial repairs, or materials that would  contribute to the restoration of fire towers or lookouts, or for ongoing maintenance if otherwise uncared for. Grant funds may be used to leverage additional funding for larger projects. Advertising or other indirect support costs would not meet this intent. Funds are not subject to repayment making it a true funded resource granted by the FFLA.

#3 Grant awards will be for a maximum of $500.00 per project. These requests are subject to the review of the Restoration Fund Committee with final approval granted by the FFLA Executive Committee.

#4 Project Chair shall keep appropriate FFLA director apprised of project progress. Director shall track of progress and provide annual reports on project until the grant is fully exercised. Reports shall be submitted to Restoration Fund Chairperson to be included in year-end summary.

#5 The “Restoration Fund” is an annual expenditure incorporated into the FFLA budget with funding levels approved at the annual board meeting.

#6 Application form is available on the FFLA website or from the Restoration Fund Chairperson and may be submitted in electronic or hard copy format.

Restoration Fund Committee members:
FFLA Chairman Mike Guerin
FFLA Treasurer Gary Weber
FFLA Director specific to each request

Get the Grant Application Here